How to create Header and Footer in Cargo Site?

A website wouldn’t feel complete without a header and footer. They’re essential for providing smooth navigation and enhancing the user experience. Plus, they’re perfect spots for showcasing your brand and encouraging actions from visitors.

Add header and footer in cargo site

What is a Header?

The website header sits at the top of your webpage and is typically consistent across your site. However, some websites opt for different headers for various sections.

Your header is the first thing users see, whether they’re on your homepage, about page, or a specific post. A well-designed header grabs attention and entices users to explore further.

It’s also a key element for promoting your brand identity. Incorporating elements like your company logo, typography, colors, and overall brand language helps reinforce your brand image.

What is a Footer?

A footer sits at the bottom of a webpage and, like headers, is usually consistent across all pages and posts of a website.

Despite often receiving less attention, footers are just as crucial as headers. They appear on every page, offering a prime opportunity to convey important information.

Depending on your settings, your footer design can showcase various useful details. This may include newsletter sign-ups, copyright info, terms of use and privacy policies, sitemaps, contact details, maps, additional navigation links, and more. It’s a valuable space for providing users with essential information and enhancing their overall browsing experience.

How to create a Header in Cargo Site?

Follow these steps to create a header in the Cargo Site :

  1. Log in to your Cargo Site and navigate to the dashboard.
  2. Create a new page and name it “Header” (or any preferred name).
  3. Once the page is created, customize the header’s color, padding, and width by accessing the local page settings.
  4. After setting up the layout of your header, add elements like your logo, page links, and social media links.
  5. After adding the elements to your header, ensure that it remains visible at the top of every page by pinning it.
  6. Locate the pin setting and enable it to pin the header at the top of the page. By pinning the header, you ensure that it stays fixed at the top of the screen as users scroll through your website, providing consistent navigation and branding across all pages.
  7. Publish the changes to make it live.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to create a customized header for your Cargo Site, complete with all the necessary elements to enhance navigation and brand presence.

How to Create a Footer in Cargo Site?

Follow these steps to create a footer on the Cargo Site :

To create a separate page footer called “Footer” with styling similar to the header:

  1. Create a new page in your Cargo Site and name it “Footer.”
  2. Customize the footer’s styling, such as color, padding, and width, in the local page settings similar to what we have done in the header section.
  3. After styling the footer add elements like page links or contact information. For example, you can add copyright text with the copyright symbol. Since the copyright symbol is not available in Cargo’s icon library, you can insert it using HTML entities. The HTML entity for the copyright symbol is ‘©’, which you can include in the footer text.
    • Example: “Copyright © 2024 Your Company Name. All rights reserved.”
    • You can check more HTML character entities here – HTML Entities
  4. To ensure the footer remains visible at the bottom of every page, locate the pin setting and enable it to pin the footer at the bottom of the page.
  5. Publish the changes to make it live.

By following these steps, you’ll create a footer with styling similar to the header, complete with elements like copyright text, and pin it to the bottom of every page for consistent visibility across your Cargo Site.

How to show the header and footer only on either desktop or mobile devices?

If you only want to display the header or footer on the desktop, you can choose that option from the pop-up window. It offers three choices: Show on Desktop and Mobile, Show on Desktop only, and Show on Mobile only. Alternatively, you can create separate headers or footers for the mobile and desktop versions if you prefer to keep them distinct.

show header or footer on desktop or mobile


In summary, having a good header and footer is important for your website. They help people navigate and understand your site better.

By following the steps we talked about, you can make a nice header and footer for your Cargo Site. Customize them to match your style, add important stuff like your logo and contact info, and make sure they stay at the top and bottom of every page.

With a great header and footer, your site will look professional and be easy for people to use.

I hope you have found this blog helpful. Thanks for reading🚀

If you have any questions or need help with your Cargo Site, feel free to ask in the discussion forum. We’re here to assist you!

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