
Best portfolio cargo site in use

Best Portfolio Cargo website in use built by me

Best portfolio websites built in Cargo Site

I have built these cargo portfolio websites from scratch or redesigned for clients in Cargo 2 and Cargo 3.

If you want to view the best cargo site in use related to Creative Agency, Production house. Click here to view.

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Here is the list of the portfolio websites built in Cargo Collective Site Builder.

If you want me to build a similar site for you or some you have the other reference, please send me a message.

TRGD – Graphic Designer

Tony is a graphic designer based in Perth, Western Australia.

Website – Tony Radenti Graphic Design

Cargo Site website

Jacob Cummings – Multi-Disciplinary Artist

Jacob is a multi-disciplinary artist based in Los Angeles, CA. He came up with me to redesign his existing website in Cargo 2.

Jacob already had all the content ready for the website but wanted to revamp the layout and add some cool animation effects, along with setting up e-commerce functionality. He also wanted to ensure the website was mobile-friendly, which was a bit tricky with Cargo 2.

So, I added text color-changing animations and hover overlay effects on the image gallery. I adjusted the layout to be more user-friendly and ensured the website worked well on mobile devices.

Website – Jacob Cummings (jacob-cummings.com)

Best Portfolio Cargo website in use built by me

ADEMOLA OGUNNIKE – Cinematographer

Adémola Ohunnike is a cinematographer known for creating visuals in both the commercial and music video world.

Adémola had his website set up using Cargo 2, but he wanted to upgrade to Cargo 3. Along with this upgrade, he wanted to make some design changes, add new features like a preloader and click-to-scroll functionality, and improve the visual appearance of the menu to better match his portfolio design. I rebuilt his website using Cargo 3 and implemented all the requested design customizations and features.

Website – https://ademolaogunnaike.com/

 top portfolio websites built in Cargo Collective Site Builder

Rich Damiani – Brand Director

Rich Damiani is a Brand Director from New York, United States.

Rich already had a website he liked and wanted his site to be similar. The design was based on the layout of a MacBook desktop.

I began building the website using Cargo 3. Following Rich’s instructions, I created the home page and project pages. I designed the website to match the reference site exactly as Rich desired.

Website – Rich Damiani

Best Portfolio website built in cargo site

Mark Tate – Visual Artist

Mark Tate is a visual artist who specializes in video editing and mixed media. He has worn various hats, serving as an editor, mixed media artist, assistant editor, and DIT across a diverse range of projects.

Mark wanted to create his portfolio website using Cargo to display his work online. He had a specific request: when users hover over a project thumbnail image, it should play a GIF. Initially, I planned to use Cargo 3 for the project, but since this feature wasn’t possible in Cargo 3, I opted for Cargo 2 and built the website there using custom code.

Website – marktate.xyz

Best Portfolio website built in cargo collective

Carter Wynne – Multidisciplinary Artist

Carter Wynne is a self-taught multidisciplinary artist and organizer based in Washington D.C., USA.

Carter needed a portfolio website built on Cargo. She wanted to showcase her paintings, designs, and exhibitions. After showing her some of my past projects, she liked the design of jacob-cummings.com and wanted something similar, but not identical.

I began working on her website using Cargo 3, and she was delighted with the final result.

Website – Carter Wynne (freckledblue.com)

Best Portfolio website built in cargo site

Kate Dearing – Copywriter/Screenwriter

 Kate Dearing is a copywriter/screenwriter from the United States.

Emmie provided a reference website she admired, particularly its layout featuring projects on the left and corresponding images on the right. Each project on the left was linked to a project description.

Website – https://wonderscreative.com/

Best Portfolio Cargo website in use built by me

Emmie Massias – Visual Researcher, Artist, and Designer

Emmie Massias is a French and Vietnamese visual researcher, artist, and designer based in the Netherlands.

Emmie came up with a reference website similar to which she liked the layout of showing all the projects on the left side and containing images on the right side. The project on the left is linked with the project description.

Website – Emmie Massias

Best Portfolio website cargo site

Amber Kekich – Multi-Disciplinary creative

Amber Kekich is a multi-disciplinary creative living in Los Angeles, USA.

Amber desired a creative showcase for her Graphic Design, Art Direction, Photography, and Fashion Design work. She favored a particular Cargo template and requested that I use it to build her portfolio website in Cargo 2.

Website – Amber Kekich

Best Portfolio Cargo website in use built by me

Bianca Lubbers – Filmmaker and Content Creative

Bianca Lubbers is a Filmmaker and Content Creative based in Amsterdam.

Bianca wanted her projects showcased alongside information about her, including an about section and contact details. She preferred a layout with a sidebar on the left and project descriptions on the right. I developed her website using Cargo 2 according to her specifications.

Website – Bianca Lubbers

Best Portfolio Cargo website in use built by me

Ali Augur – Illustrator, Designer & Art Director

Ali Augur is an Illustrator, Designer & Art Director with over 28 years of advertising experience.

Ali had a website already built in Cargo 1 but wished to migrate it to Cargo 2. His website primarily focused on displaying his art direction, design, and illustrations, which consisted mainly of images. To effectively showcase these images, I utilized the image gallery layout, as it proved to be the most suitable solution due to the large quantity of images.

Website – https://aliaugur.com/

Best Portfolio Cargo website in use built by me

Jack Abraham – Artist manager, Creative Director, Music Supervisor and A&R

Jack Abraham is an artist manager, freelance creative director, music supervisor and A&R. Jack had a reference website in mind that he wanted his portfolio website to resemble. I built this website on Cargo 2.

Website – AOBAO

Best Portfolio Cargo website in use built by me

Thanks for reading my blog post! If you liked my work and need help redesigning or building your website, feel free to reach out to me🚀

Email – [email protected]

Check the best cargo site for the Creative Agency, Production House.

I hope you have found this blog helpful. Thanks for reading🚀

If you have any questions or need help with your Cargo Site, feel free to ask in the discussion forum.

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