
Add icon and emoji in Cargo Collective Site

Cargo Site tutorial, Cargo 2, Cargo 3

Add icons and emojis in Cargo Collective might be difficult for some people but let me tell you it is way more easy than your thoughts.

In this blog, we are going to see how to do this in both Cargo 2 and Cargo 3 Site editors.

So let’s get started🚀

What are emoji?

Emojis are small image icons used alongside text to convey emotions and other expressions. They originated from representing facial expressions with text symbols in early internet communication, known as smileys. Over time, these evolved into graphical representations called emoticons, emojis, and other names.

They have been part of online communication since the late 90s, gradually adopted by various platforms on the web and mobile devices. Cargo sites embraced modern emoji characters as well, following a similar evolution.

What are icons?

Icons are little pictures that stand for things or actions on computer screens. They help you know what to do or where to go when you’re using a website or an app.

They started as basic pictures but have gotten fancier over time. You can find them everywhere online because they make it easier for everyone to understand and use websites and apps.

On cargo sites, icons help you know what different buttons or sections do. A little picture of a shopping cart means you can buy things, or a picture of a house means you can go back to the homepage.

Add an icon or emoji in the Cargo 2

Follow these steps to add an icon or emoji in Cargo 2

  1. Log in to your Cargo website.
  2. Add a new page using the website builder.
  3. Select the page to which you want to add the icon or emoji. Once you’ve chosen the page, navigate to the “Content” tab.
  4. Within the “Content” tab, locate the “Settings” tab and click on it. Here, you’ll find the smiling emoji icon 😀. Click on this icon.
  5. After clicking on the smiling emoji icon, a box containing different emojis and icons will appear.
  6. From the box of emojis and icons, you can select the desired one to add to your Cargo Collective website by clicking on it.
  7. Click on Save to make the changes live.
add icon and emoji in cargo site
add icon and emoji in cargo site

Add icon and emoji in Cargo 3

Follow these steps to add an icon or emoji in Cargo 3

  1. Log in to your Cargo 3 account.
  2. Navigate to the page where you want to add the icon or emoji.
  3. Click on the double arrow icon at the top menu to access Cargo’s provided icons.
  4. Choose the desired icon and add it to your page.
  5. Press the Windows logo key + . (period) for Windows users, or CTRL + CMD + Space for Mac users, to open the emoji tray.
  6. Select the emoji you want to add and insert it into your page.
  7. If you want to use custom emojis, add the Font Awesome CDN link to your website’s code editor.
  8. After adding the CDN link, you can use Font Awesome icons on your page.
  9. Finally, publish your website to make the changes live.

Add this font-awesome cdn link in Code Editor

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/6.5.1/css/all.min.css" integrity="sha512-DTOQO9RWCH3ppGqcWaEA1BIZOC6xxalwEsw9c2QQeAIftl+Vegovlnee1c9QX4TctnWMn13TZye+giMm8e2LwA==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" />

Thanks for reading this article.


We have successfully added icons and emojis to the Cargo Collective website builder.


Do you know how to align text in the Cargo Collective website builder? Click here to read the article on that.

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