
Link page and URL in Cargo Site

Cargo Site tutorial, Cargo 2, Cargo 3

Knowing how to add links on a Cargo site is important for making your website user-friendly and improving its performance.

A link, which is also called a hyperlink, is like a bridge that connects different web pages. There are two main types of links: internal links, which connect pages within your website, and external links, which lead to other websites.

When you add internal links, it makes it easier for visitors to navigate your site and find useful information, which can keep them engaged for longer. External links, on the other hand, direct your visitors to other helpful resources outside of your site.

Links also play a big role in helping search engines understand how your site is organized, which can make it easier for them to find and show your site in search results.

Adding links to your Cargo site is easy! You can put them in your posts, pages, menu, sidebar, footer, and more.

In this beginner-friendly guide, we’ll walk you through how to add links to your Cargo site step by step.

Importance of Links

Links are like the veins of the internet, connecting websites and pages to create a vast network of information.

Imagine landing on a webpage with no links to click on. You’d probably end up hitting the back button pretty quickly.

Hyperlinks, whether they’re in text, buttons, or other elements, whisk you away to other pages or even entirely different websites. When you sprinkle them throughout your Cargo site, you’re guiding visitors to more information about topics they’re interested in.

And here’s the beauty of it: when you use links wisely, your visitors stick around longer. They explore more of your content, maybe even buy more from your online shop, and might even sign up for your email updates.

So, let’s dive into how to add links in different parts of your Cargo site. This guide is packed with details, so feel free to use the navigation below to jump straight to the section you’re interested in:

Link page and URL in Cargo Site

First, we are going to see how to implement in Cargo 3

Open the Cargo 3 site editor navigate to the page and select the text that you want to link to the page.

On the top of the settings section click on the link icon, and it will open the pop, click on the dropdown menu it will contain the list of all pages present on the website. Select the page that you want to link.

To link text with an external URL again click on the link and enter the URL in the input field.

Now let’s see how you can do this in Cargo 2

On the bottom right corner, you will find the link icon click on it, and it will open the dialog box which will have two options internal link and external link.

Internal Link – It is used to link the pages which are created by you. You can link it.

External link – It is used to link the external URL link Instagram page etc.

How to add a link using custom code

At the heart of every link lies the <a> tag, short for the anchor tag. This humble HTML element is your key to creating clickable links that transport your visitors to different pages, both within your site and beyond.

Creating a link using the <a> tag is surprisingly simple. Let’s say you want to link to your ‘About Us’ page from your homepage. Here’s how you do it:

<a href="/about">About Us</a>

In this example, the href attribute specifies the URL of the destination page, while the text ‘About Us’ serves as the clickable link.

The <a> tag can contain several attributes that provide additional information about the link or specify its behavior. Here are some common attributes you can use with the <a> tag:

  • href: This is the most essential attribute of the <a> tag. It specifies the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the destination page or resource. For example:
  • target: This attribute determines where the linked document will open. It can take values such as _self (opens in the same window/tab), _blank (opens in a new window/tab), _parent (opens in the parent frame), or _top (opens in the full body of the window).
  • title: This attribute provides additional information about the linked resource, typically displayed as a tooltip when the user hovers over the link.
  • rel: This attribute specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document. It is commonly used for SEO purposes and can include values like nofollow, noopener, or noreferrer.
  • download: When present, this attribute indicates that the linked resource should be downloaded rather than navigated to. It specifies the filename that the downloaded file should have.
<a href="https://example.com" target="_blank" title="Visit Example" rel="nofollow" download="example.pdf">Visit Example</a>

In this example:

  • href: Specifies the URL of the destination page or resource (https://example.com).
  • target: Specifies that the linked document will open in a new window or tab (_blank).
  • title: Provides additional information about the linked resource, displayed as a tooltip (Visit Example).
  • rel: Specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document (nofollow).
  • download: Indicates that the linked resource should be downloaded rather than navigated to, and specifies the filename (example.pdf).

I hope you have found this blog helpful. Thanks for reading🚀

If you have any questions or need help with your Cargo Site, feel free to ask in the discussion forum.

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